If you’re interested in any of following liturgical ministries, please scroll down for more information and for a link to our Volunteer Interest Form.
Liturgical Ministries
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, lay people can serve the Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass or to the sick or homebound at institutions or in homes. An EMHC must be a fully initiated member of the Church (having received the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation). This ministry is extremely spiritual and personally fulfilling. If you are interested in becoming an EMHC, please reach out to the respective contact below.
St. Clare
Tania Terrazas: tterrazas@stclareparish.com | 970-926-1070 (English)
Socorrito Marquez: 970- 376-7195 (Spanish)
St. Mary
Marion Laughlin: laughlmf@earthlink.net | 970-328-1098 (English)
Consuelo Gomez: gonzalog200329@hotmail.com | 970-328-0833 (Spanish)
Beaver Creek Chapel
Nancy Clarke: nlclarke925@yahoo.com | 970-390-1995
St. Patrick & Vail Chapel
Jeanmarie Angarola: SaintPatrickMinturn@Comcast.net | 970-446-1097
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the presider at weekend and holy day Masses. They are ministers who place themselves in the service of the Eucharist. It requires a basic understanding of the Mass and the common prayers included within the Mass. Boys and girls who have made their First Communion and are in third grade (or older) are welcome to this ministry.
St. Clare
Stasi Crisofulli: acriso590@gmail.com | 970-926-1070 (English)
Ivonne Marquez: 970-401-5292 (Spanish)
St. Mary
Michelle Zaruba: babyblackbear0075@yahoo.com | 970-343-2144 (English)
Gelasio Velasco: gvelasco@stclareparish.com | 970-446-1104 (Spanish)
St. Patrick & Vail Chapel
Jeanmarie Angarola: SaintPatrickMinturn@Comcast.net | 970-446-1097
Readers must love the Scriptures and be competent readers to effectively proclaim God’s word, the word of salvation for all people. Through the process of preparing for the Masses, the lectors will gain a better understanding of the word of God.
St. Clare
Carleen Sweet: carleensweet@comcast.net | 970-331-4211 (English)
Benjamin Becerra: vamigila@hotmail.com | 970-343-2448 (Spanish)
St. Mary
Don Laughlin: laughlmf@earthlink.net | 970-328-1098 (English)
Yolanda Pilas: yolandaesqvel@gmail.com | 970-390-2455 (Spanish)
Beaver Creek Chapel
Nancy Clarke: nlclarke925@yahoo.com | 970-390-1995
St. Patrick & Vail Chapel
Jeanmarie Angarola: SaintPatrickMinturn@Comcast.net | 970-446-1097
Music Ministry
Adults and children share their gifts of musical talent and ability in the Music Ministry at our parish. Bringing the Word of God to others through song is joyful evangelism.
St. Clare
Carleen Sweet: carleensweet@comcast.net | 970-331-4211 (English)
Mague Zapata: 970-376-0861 (Spanish)
St. Mary
Don Horst: dhorsthaus@aol.com | 970-471-1737 (English)
Manuel Pilas: info@santafefurniture.net | 970-390-7487 (Spanish)
Beaver Creek Chapel
Carleen Sweet: carleensweet@comcast.net | 970-331-4211
St. Patrick & Vail Chapel
Galen Jacobs: galenjacobs90@gmail.com | 970-471-2284
The usher is a welcoming ministry providing hospitality to our parishioners and a first impression to visitors of our parish. Primary duties include greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the Church, help them find seats, take up the collection, and wish everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration.
St. Clare
Tania Terrazas: tterrazas@stclareparish.com | 970-926-1070 (English)
Martin Corral: 970-926-1070 (Spanish)
St. Mary
Don Laughlin: laughlmf@earthlink.net | 970-328-1098 (English)
Modesto Palacios: 970-926-1070 (Spanish)
Beaver Creek Chapel
Nancy Clarke: nlclarke925@yahoo.com | 970-390-1995
St. Patrick & Vail Chapel
Jeanmarie Angarola: SaintPatrickMinturn@Comcast.net | 970-446-1097