FAITH (Faith Alive In The Home) is MPB’s family-based religious education program. FAITH is designed for all parish children and their parents to journey together as a family to explore their Catholic identity. It is our belief that the experience of faith happens most naturally and frequently within the family; this experience is aided and enhanced by the expression of faith in the larger community of MPB.
Who can participate?
FAITH is a parish sponsored program, meaning it is open to all families registered in our parish, regardless of where children attend school. FAITH provides an opportunity for families with children ages 3 through grade 5 to journey together — through prayer, activity and discussion — as they grow in their understanding of and participation in our Catholic identity.
FAITH is a mandatory component of the sacramental preparation process for children who do not attend Catholic school, and participation is strongly encouraged for those children who do attend Catholic school.
How does it work?
Each academic year a specific theme is chosen for our FAITH gatherings. We examine various aspects of our Catholic identity through the Scriptures, Catholic Tradition, stories, song and crafts. Our hope is that each session lays the groundwork for prayer and conversation that can continue at home during the month ahead.
The FAITH program consists of 5 catechetical gatherings and 2 Family Service Sundays. Each session begins with a light breakfast snack and a large group theological reflection in the school gym beginning at 10:00 AM. On catechetical weekends, families will then move to small group gatherings to break open the themes of the day with activities and crafts. On Family Service Sundays, families will move to a variety of service stations following the theological reflection. FAITH Sundays conclude around noon.
What to Expect for Age-Level Participation
Pre-School Age Children through Grade 4
Following the large group theological reflection, families with children ages 3 – grade 4 meet in small groups in classrooms with families who have children of similar ages to expand the large group session with more hands-on activities.
Children in 5th Grade
This is a transitional phase of FAITH for our 5th graders and is not a break-out session for youth only. If your 5th grader is your only child in FAITH, we invite one or both parents to join the youth. If you have other, younger children in FAITH, you can send one parent with your 5th grader and one parent can participate with the younger children. If only one parent is in attendance, your 5th grader is still welcome to join the 5th grade classroom; it is simply our hope to have parents with their kids as much as possible.
Childcare will be available for children ages 18 months to 3 years during the catechetical sessions of FAITH. Childcare is not available on Family Service Sundays. Please register your young child for childcare on the registration form.
The FAITH program will look different this year due to our inability to gather in a large group setting. We will post specific details here as we develop this year’s virtual programming. Please check back soon!
Registration is completed through FaithDirect. Registration fees and links will be available soon. We do not want the cost of the programs to inhibit participation. Scholarship funds are available; if you are unable to pay the fees for these programs, please contact Kate Rice of the Faith Formation Team (