Dear Parents,
Please read this entire letter before enrolling your child for Religious Education classes. You can register online at or forms will be available in the Parish offices during regular business hours.
Classes Offered:
- Religious Education classes are available for children in grades K – 5
- Youth Groups are open to children in grades 6 – 12.
- Baptized Catholic children in grades 2 and 3 who have not yet received the sacrament of Reconciliation will be enrolled in “Sac Prep year 1”
- Children in grades 3 – 5 who have received the sacrament of Reconciliation, but have NOT celebrated Confirmation will be enrolled in “Sac Prep Year 2”
- Sacramental Preparation for grades 6 – 12: Please contact the Parish Office by September 1st
- For children in 4th and 5th grade who have not received the sacrament of Reconciliation, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible at 303-988-6435 (Monday – Friday)
Classes and Youth Group start dates are still to be determined. More information, including a detailed schedule, will be emailed out to enrolled families. Please provide a valid email address that you check regularly!
For all children being registered in Confirmation and Sacramental Preparation Years 1 and 2 (First Reconciliation or Confirmation/Eucharist) classes: We must have a copy of your child’s Catholic baptismal certificate with your registration even if your child was baptized at St. Jude. Parish policy requires that we have this certificate on file before your child can begin attending class – failure to provide a valid Baptismal certificate may delay your child’s sacraments. You may obtain a copy of your St. Jude baptism by calling the Parish Office.
Registration fees* for the 2023 – 2024 year are as follows:
No child will be denied enrollment due to the inability to pay. However, you must contact us since we have no way of knowing what your needs are. We are happy to work out a payment plan if that helps or we may offer scholarships for those families unable to pay at all. Families on scholarships may be asked to provide time and talent to aid our programs. St. Jude is family friendly, so there is a family cap of $150 for families.