For all emergencies requiring the presence of a priest (those situations involving someone who is ill, coming to end of life, or has just passed away) please call our main number 303.756.3083, and a staff member will contact Fr. Pat Dolan immediately.
If you call after regular office hours, or during lunch, you will reach the answering service. Simply dial 6 and you will be connected with an operator who should be able to connect you directly to Fr. Dolan. Please let them know you can hold for a moment while they reach him, as this is always quicker than leaving information and waiting for a return call.
For all financial emergencies: These are not handled by a priest but by our St. Vincent de Paul Society. For all financial or material assistance, please contact them at 303.862.3275 (24 hours), or you must contact the office during regular office hours and ask for the St. Vincent de Paul Society at extension 416.