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Capital Campaign

We began our “Here for Good” Capital Campaign with prayer and thanksgiving for those who came before us and with the mission to improve our parish for the good of our community, and those we serve, now and in the future.  Thank you to all who have contributed! If you haven’t contributed yet, it’s not too late. There are many ways to give, including:


Donate online through Faith Direct.



Text the amount you want to give to



Call the Parish Office at


Why We Built and Renovated

Most Precious Blood Catholic Community is a growing, lively, and thriving community. We are a community with a rich tradition of faith and charity. As we continue to grow in the spirit of our mission, we must look at ways to improve our parish for the good of our community and those we serve, now and in the future.

Most Precious Blood leaders have taken great care to assess our current situation and needs for the future. At the time we were limited in our programing, spiritual opportunities, and outreach abilities due to a lack of appropriate space. Our current Parish Center did not meet the growing demands of programing and events. Furthermore, several areas of our campus required significant attention. Waiting any longer to address our maintenance issues would have result in more expensive projects in the future.

New Parish Hall

A brand new hall, attached to the church with 5717 sq. ft. above ground has provided:

  • A hall to accommodate multiple large gatherings including funeral luncheons and weddings
  • Multiple meeting rooms and gathering spaces for various ministry meetings and events
  • An updated kitchen to meet the needs of events
  • Handicap accessibility
  • Existing restrooms in church remodeled to improve accessibility
  • Semi-Finished Basement 5395 sq. ft. for future parish needs

New Parish Offices

The former convent, built in 1963, has served as our Parish Office for many years. We have made the best use of the space it has provided, but it is simply inefficient, inaccessible, and not a space that could address our needs with a remodel. This building was razed, and the current Parish Center was remodeled as new offices for parish staff. It provided:

  • Up-to-date technology
  • Access for parishioners and guests with disabilities
  • Well-designed interior offices with natural light
  • The ability to adjust to future needs
  • Designated Concession area for gym
  • Updated restrooms south of the gym

Site Improvements

  • School Playground that included an artificial turf play field
  • New Facility Maintenance building
  • Sidewalks throughout the property
  • Resurfaced parking lots
  • Landscaping
  • Security Camera

Through this campaign, we were be able to make much needed and critical improvements, including:

  • A new roof for the church, and school
  • Replacement of the school sewer line
  • New heating and cooling units for the church